Parents As A Mirror To Their Children

[vc_row][vc_column_text]Parents are the number one role model of their children. A child that is well brought up is a contributing element to the neighborhood, the community, and the society at large. And a child that is not properly brought up is a liability and a threat to the neighborhood, the community and the society at large. Therefore this message is directly to all the parents in the globe, whether single or both parents living together, let your children up-bringing be your number one priority in life, this is because when a child is well brought up or trained, he/she will be a pride to you the parents and the society in general but the children that lack parental up bringing or guidance will bring shame to the parents and the society in general and such kids are easily manipulated to engage themselves in negative activities through bad gangs or bad influence, such as drug abuse, smoking, drinking alcohol, prostituting, clubbing always, early affairs which lead to premarital sex and having children out of wedlock, they engage in criminal activities such as fraud, stealing or shop lifting, etc. So we urge all parents to take care of their children properly, children need assurance, protection and adequate discipline when they do something wrong  “not abusing or assaulting them” when we talk about discipline, we mean, “don’t play out with your friends for some days, stay in door and read your books, don’t play game for some days, don’t watch TV for some days etc, follow it up properly and make them say they are sorry about what they did wrong. That kind of discipline is what we are talking about. Parents need to guide their children’s communication standard, make sure they don’t use bulling  or negative words, and watch the way they interact with their peers. Parents need to monitor their children’s activities from the kind of games they play, the kind of films they watch, the kind of friend’s they keep, because, a child that is left all by him/herself, might end up becoming  bad or out of proportion. Parents have a major role to play in their children’s lives, when you fail to train your child when he/she is still very tender, it might be hard  to guide/direct them when they have grown up.

Parents should allow their children to participate in domestic duties such as, tiding up, dish washing, cooking, gardening etc. when you don’t engage them in all these activities, how do you expect them to do it when they grow up. As a parent, you need to be productive mentally, physically, morally, socially etc, for example, when you are unemployed or don’t want to work, you engaged yourself in gossip, stay on the phone all the time, always on social media with friends, neglect your kids for too long, then, they will have that loop-hole to engage themselves in something wrong because they know you are carried away with whatever you are doing without minding them, parents in this category, their children are likely going to end up like them because you are their role model, anything you do both good and bad, your children are watching and keeping record of all things, so be careful of what you do at all times …[/vc_column_text][/vc_row]

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