• Effects of drug abuse are physical and psychological. Side effects of drug abuse are also seen in drug abusers lifestyle. Learn more about drug abuse effects. One of the primary effects of drug abuse can be found within the definition of drug abuse itself: an increasing, intense desire to use the drug above all else. Drug craving can shift a person’s entire mental focus to obtaining the drug. Side effects of drug abuse then include preoccupation with where to get the drug, how to get money for the drug, and where and when the drug can be used. Psychological drug abuse effects commonly include changes in mood. A person may be anxious, thinking about when they can next use the drug, or depressed due to drug side effects.
Other Psychological Drug Abuse Side Effects Include:
• Hopelessness
• Selfishness
• Pressuring others into doing drugs
• Aggressiveness or irritability
• Lack of pleasure from previously enjoyed activities
Drug Abuse Effects on Lifestyle
Drug abusers choose drugs over anything else; that includes family and friends. One of the side effects of drug abuse is the loss of friendship and family due to these choices. Families and friends have to watch as the drug abuser pulls away and the effects of drug abuse ravage their body and mind. Moreover, one of the side effects of drug use may be bizarre, out of character, behaviour that further separates the drug abuser from their loved ones.