Who told you life is easy, life is not a bed of roses, nothing good comes easy, every successful business has a story behind its success? Work-it-out, if you put effort in what ever you do, you will receive breakthrough. “Only the strong survive” I affirmed to this statement of fact. Life is full of problem and same time every problem has solution, almost every single problem on earth have a solution, if only you take your time to find out and remain focused. Patient is another great weapon that every over comers use, there is a saying “the patient dog eats the fattest born” so many of us are so inpatient today because of the trend in which people display their artificial and fake life style on social media, so many people hide their true colour, identity and worth in social media. Most people are virtually confused about everything and to avoid been more confused, don’t try to know everything or trying to do everything, stay focused on your vision/dream, all is possible if you stay firm and remain positive at all time and work towards achieving your goals, stay committed.


You are there and a lot is going on in your mind/head and you think the entire world is coming to an end. Don’t worry for all hope is not lost yet. All you need to do now is be calm and think straight, don’t give any room to fear, for fear is the key that open’s door for the enemies to attack your mind and you can be your own enemy. Close the door of your heart that attract negative thoughts. Negative thought has never done any good to anyone. The two things that destroy a person easily are: The tongue and the mindset
Tongue: This is the smallest part of your body yet life and death lies in your tongue; watch what you say because there is power in your tongue and you shall surely have what ever you say out of your mouth consciously or unconsciously.
Mindset: When your thought is messed up, you are finished, control what you accept in your mind, Negative thought yield negative outcome why positive thoughts yield positive outcome.
You have a major role to play to bring positive development and transformation to yourself. Have faith in God and yourself at all time, for faith cannot be mixed with fear and confusion.
Happiness is the only thing you actually have for yourself and is only you that can create it for yourself. Money cannot buy you happiness, you create it because that is the target of your enemies, don’t sell your happiness to anger and fear. Thy helper organisation is created to impact live and bring positive development and transformation to the general public especially the youths and the vulnerable in our communities.