The word purpose to me is the reason something exists, created, the intention behind something, the motive behind something, more so, is the why something is created.
The word purpose is a control and powerful word behind anything that ever exists. When you are ask what is your purpose on Earth, you should be able to identify it without wasting time or racking of brain.
Many of us don’t understand our purpose on Earth, do not worry so much about that as Thy Helper Organisation has arrange the following tips to guide you through discovering your purpose on Earth.
In 2015, I was in my final year in Ballyfermot College of Further Education Dublin (BCFE)

The course of studies was music and event management, this course thought me different subjects which transformed my psychological way of thinking today.
Before this course, I have been trying to figure the reason I am alive, I was the only black guy among others who were all white in my class. First I realise I love human nature, I also discover that I’m a problem solver, I love to encourage people to deviate from bad habits, encourage people in their relationship matters, poor performance in class and whole lot. I discovered that my true purpose in life was inspiring and empowering people to live their highest vision in the context of love and peace. Since then I have aligned every aspect of my life in developing my purpose. The first bold step I took was to set-up Thy Helper Organisation in August, 2015 and till date, this organisation have affected a lot of lives globally especially the youth.

Thy Helper is a new way of thinking around making the choice to live a healthy lifestyle with an emphasis on healthy alternatives.
These events and opportunities creates a safe environment which helps people develop a sense of purpose, boost self-esteem, build skills for success, and be empowered to make the choice to live a healthy lifestyle. Providing leisure time activities in the interests of social welfare for people living in the area of no benefit, who have needs by reason of their infirmity or disability, poverty or social and economic circumstances with a view to improving the conditions of life of such persons.
The biggest challenge many people face is figuring out exactly what they want to do with their life. Most people already have a clear definition of passion and purpose, we’re born with a set of talent or natural gift which through persistent practice could be developed into skills.
Naturally we discover when our children are growing, as a parent you can tell what a child is passionate about, for instance, some children who like drawing always end up an artist, some who love singing, might likely end up been a musician, while some of them who love anything trading or selling things to their peers as in playing using paper as method of payment, they are likely to become business men and women in making, this’s how purpose is discovered in our early stage in life. They all had natural talents that were clear indicators of what they ended up ultimately being passionate about. Mostly is our passion that lead to our purpose on Earth.
There comes a time in our lives where we begin to question ourselves about our own life for instance, who am I, why am I alive, what am I living for, what should I do with my life, what is my purpose on Earth, what is my passion and so on…
You might enjoy your current job but on a deeper thought, you will find out you’re passionate about something else. When you eventually find your passion, that thing that gives you sense of fulfilment you need to stick to it.
Factors Affecting Your Purpose on Earth
Before you will discover your purpose, there are various challenges that will try to hold you back and one of such challenge is pressure from outside which often leads so many people into a different path they do not enjoy.
Also because of priority placed on money and prestigious life style, most people neglect what they’re passionate about in pursuit of instant gratifications, and the simple truth is that, your passion and purpose can give you all that you ever want which includes money and prestige.
Most people feel is too late for them to find their true purpose, because they feel they are either too old or too established and such people always leave in regret at the end. It’s never too late to do the things that give you joy and sense of fulfilment. Is too late is another factor that is holding you back, is never too late to unveil your happiness and full potentials.
Do Not Look Back
Immediately you identified the factors keeping you away from unfolding your true purpose in life, cut them off completely and move on without returning, your purpose is the reason you were created or is the reason you exist.
Everyone have an inbuilt compass which direct and re-direct us to our right paths to discovering our true purpose on Earth. This compass is our individual experience with things that give us peace of mind and happiness.
Once you find out that you enjoy whatever you do and you’re passionate about it and most importantly, it make you feel fulfilled, then you’re possibly on the right track. Otherwise, it’s time to redirect your path.
When you develop the habit of listening to your inner compass and also learning to ignore any pressure from outside which is pointing you to the opposite direction, then is very easy for you to unfold your divine purpose on Earth. Your purpose is your life and it worth discovering and fighting for.
How To Discover Your Purpose
Every human on Earth is born with a purpose which needs to be discovered. You do not make up purpose because it is an innate ability, is in you from birth, you need to uncover it in order to create the life you want to live. To discover your purpose you must ask yourself, what is my purpose in life?
There are things that will help you unfold your purpose on Earth, these includes:
- What do you enjoy doing?
- What is easy for you to do?
- What can you do on your own without any supervision?
- What make you feel fulfilled?
- What make you happy and excited?
Personally I love helping people discover themselves and their full potentials, I enjoy writing, cooking, outdoors activities, motivating the youth and the less privilege in our communities, I love to counsel people, I love Music production, I love exercise and other recreational activities, I love organising events and seminars, and I’m open to learning new approaches in developing and transforming my purpose on Earth.
As the saying goes, nothing good comes easy, I work hard to study and acquire basic knowledge and education which is helping me to uncover more potentials and helping humanity, same is applicable to every purposeful individuals out there living their purpose on Earth. If you are suffering and struggling, you are most likely not living your purpose, once you are able to find out what is holding you back from finding your purpose, the next step should be to start uncovering what you are truly meant to do with your life.
Tips for Finding Your Purpose in Life
- Surround Yourself With Positive People
Like they say, birds of a feathers flock together and you are the company you keep. What do you have in common with the people you choose to be around?
Do not focus on family members and co-workers you feel obligated to see. Think about the people you choose to spend time with outside of family functions and outside of work.
The people you surround yourself with reflect something about you. If you’re surrounded by people who are making positive impact, you will draw from their inspiration, this’s natural law of attraction.
In other words, if the people around you are negative and toxic individuals who drag you down, you might want to make some changes. It’s hard to feel passionate and purposeful when you’re surrounded by people who are not interested in making positive change and contributions to themselves and the communities at large.
- Explore Your Interests
This is basically what a person likes doing always. There are various factors that promote personal interest such as values, environment, personality, family life. Having knowledge about your interest can help you in planning your path-way to discovering your purpose.
For instance, what you are always talking about on social media platforms, something that trigger you mostly all the time, either when you’re writing an article, sharing a story or even making a public speech, do you like sharing tips about money savings, motivating others?
Those things you like talking about and sharing on social media can generate the simple things that give you purpose in life.
- Donate Your Money, Talent and Time
There are so much to benefit from discovering your purpose on Earth and if there is anything you could possibly do to help you discover your purpose is helping others.
Researchers found that meaningfulness and happiness had overlap but were different outcome. Meaningfulness went more with being a giver than a taker why Happiness was linked to being a taker before a giver. Being the giver in a relationship connects people with having a more purposeful life.
Unselfish behaviours could include volunteering for a non-profit organisation, donating money to causes you care about, or simply helping out the people around you on a day-to-day basis.
If you choose to spear a day or more in a week in serving meals in a soup kitchen, volunteer to take an elderly neighbour to the grocery store once a week, Take food and drinks to the homeless on the street, doing something kind for others can make you feel fulfilled as though your life has meaning.
- Discover What You Love to Do
Focusing on what you truly love to do can also help you discover your purpose.
Do you absolutely love entertainment or helping others to discover new products and services? Your skills might help both young and old actualize their desired goals.
What are you posting on social media, is it affecting people positively or negatively, your post could be interpreted creating positive impact and transformation in others’ lives. You can actually turn your passion into something meaningful.
Discovering your purpose is not a day job, it could take weeks, months, years and can even be a lifelong journey, depending on individual and can only be achieved on step by step basis.
Your purpose might also change over time, you might like poultry farming in your early stage in life and now you are interested in helping humanity, you can definitely have more than one purpose and your purpose cannot possibly affect what you’re already doing for instance if you’re a hair stylist, your purpose could be making people beautiful.
- Pay Attention to Feedback
It could be difficult to recognize the thing you feel passionate about most of the time. Through feedback, you can actually discover things that have become your way of life which you’re not paying attention to because you love doing them and other people might be able to give you insight about the passion you’re already exhibiting.
You can ask people around you, how and what they feel about you when your thought came into their mind, pay attention when someone makes an observation about you or compliment you, take note of the observations and compliments.
How people feel about you can actually reinforce some of the passions you already have, for instance, people might refer you as a philanthropist, a humanitarian, an entrepreneur, an entertainer, and many others, therefore take note on feedback as it can help you to unfold your passion easily.